IU Accounting Standards Book - IU Accounting Standards Book is the authoritative and comprehensive guidance on accounting and financial reporting at Indiana University. Fiscal Officers should follow these standards to ensure fiscal compliance as prescribed by the Office of the University Controller. Existing Standard Operating Procedures will be incorporated into the IU Accounting Standards Book as they are reviewed and revised.
Policies - Is a source for policies governing all Indiana University financial operations.
Standard Operating Procedures - This section houses the existing SOP's that were on the old FMS website and are being added into the IU Accounting Standards Book. It is a temporary section that will be removed once all SOP's have been converted.
Red Flags - This section helps familiarize employees with terminology associated with the Red Flag Rules; categories of Red Flags; methods of detection, prevention, and mitigation that you may want to consider when developing your written plan; and, the appropriate response when a Red Flag is detected.